Servtech LACT Pump Stations are turnkey systems that include the structural skid, climate controlled building, pumps, motors, and complete electrical and control systems. The systems feature Colorado Resolution 35 Program Certified Buildings.

Multiple Pump Technologies with Metering Accuracy
Servtech provides custom design, manufacture, testing, and on-site startup for our LACT Pump Stations.
Servtech manufactures all electrical control panels under our UL 508A approval, and we provide in-house programming for the logic control and flow measurement.
Features fabricated steel piping systems that are x-rayed and pressure tested by Servtech’s certified welders to assure their reliability.
Tested upon completion with pressure tests to all parts, and power up all electrical equipment and controls to check each item before shipping.
Expert field service: factory trained, installation, startup, and repair. Expert field service: factory trained, installation, startup, and repair.
Steel-fabricated skids and buildings meet and often exceed all the industry and EPA-required structural specification and insulation codes.
Truck Offload LACT Stations with…
- Four Sample Pot Systems
- KAM Microwave Cutwater Technology (very wide API density range)
- Integral Air Elimination Log
- Viking Sump Pumps and Sample Pot Circulation Pumps