by Adam Voight Adam Voight

Roeslein & Associates recently celebrated a safety milestone at their manufacturing plant in Michigan City, Indiana. As of November 17th, 2022, Roeslein Michigan City has had 717 days without a lost time injury. They celebrated this milestone by hosting an employee luncheon with members of the Leadership and Safety teams.

“This achievement demonstrates our culture and commitment to ensuring everyone goes home to their loved ones the same way they walked through the door at the start of their shift,” said RMC Operations Manager Alex Strelinski. “I believe that safety is the foundation in all that we do here at Roeslein, and I would like to personally thank our entire team for all of their hard work and dedication to those core values.”

Safety is a top priority for Roeslein & Associates and is considered an integral part of company culture across all locations, domestic and abroad. Roeslein celebrates safety milestones throughout the year and showcases current safety trends each June during Global Safety Month.

Roeslein’s safety team tracks a variety of OSHA safety metrics, including TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate), the EMR (Experience Modification Rate), and LTI (Lost Time Injuries) to measure current safety performance and compares them to past performance in order to identify key areas that need improvement.

The Total Recordable Incident Rate is a measure of past safety performance based on the rate of incidents that occurred. The Experience Modification Rate is a measurement used in the insurance industry to determine the cost of insurance premiums for workers’ compensation. This is measured by the frequency of a company’s workers’ compensation claims and the severity of the injuries reported. A lost time injury is an injury that results in the loss of productive work time. LTIs serve as a key indicator of the effectiveness of a company’s safety department and the impact injuries make on productivity.

Roeslein’s safety metrics are important to the company as well as its customers because if our numbers do not meet our clients’ safety metrics, no further action can take place. Roeslein Michigan City’s ability to go 717 days without a lost time injury is a significant milestone that showcases the company’s commitment to meeting safety standards and maintaining a secure work environment for our employees.