by Adam Voight Adam Voight

Roeslein & Associates’ employees are contributing to our communities with service, leadership, and charitable contributions. These partnerships help make better places for everyone to live, work, and grow. Because of this, Roeslein is proud to offer the Employee Matching Gift Program to help support their employees in their efforts to improve the community.

Roeslein’s Sarah Davidson, Director of Human Resources, stated: “Roeslein’s pledge to match our employee’s donations allows Roeslein to be a better corporate citizen, to have a larger social impact, encourages philanthropy, and demonstrates that we care about the causes our employees support.”

All employees are eligible for participation in the Roeslein Employee Matching Gifts Program six months from their initial hire date. Just last year Roeslein matched $24,092 worth of charitable donations from multiple organizations within the United States.

With the Employee Matching Gift Program, Roeslein & Associates will match fully tax-deductible gifts to organizations that are tax-exempt public charities pursuant to IRS section 501(c)(3) located in the United States. Popular organizations with Roeslein employees include the areas of health and human services, arts and culture, environment, museums, public radio and television, zoos, food banks, and youth development programs.