Roeslein & Associates is proud to announce that its fabrication facility in Red Bud, IL has reached one year without a recordable injury and 541,000 hours without a lost time injury. This accomplishment comes just two months after Roeslein as a whole reached one million hours worked without a lost time incident. Roeslein’s commitment to continuous improvement in safety and productivity has been a key element to its success.
One Million Hours Safety Milestone
Roeslein & Associates is proud to announce that as a company, it has passed one million hours worked without a lost time incident (LTI). This accomplishment is the result of the combined efforts of all Roeslein employees. Roeslein’s commitment to continuous improvement in safety and productivity is a key element to its success.
Vector Solutions Honors Ryan Kirkpatrick For Safety Achievements
On March 6th, Roeslein & Associates’ EHS Manager, Ryan Kirkpatrick, was recognized by Vector Solutions for his outstanding achievements in the area of safety at a special recognition and medal ceremony. Kirkpatrick and five other “Safety Champions” were nominated for this recognition by their peers and co-workers. Vector Solutions selected these six honorees based on each person’s special dedication to mitigating hazards in the workplace.
Letting Safety Drive our Business: National Safety Month
Each June Roeslein & Associates uses National Safety Month as an opportunity to highlight and take a deeper look at its safety standards and routines. With its employees at the heart of the company, Roeslein aims to ensure that proper training and safety procedures are in place.
Roeslein Participates in National Stand Down to Prevent Falls Week
Roeslein & Associates, Inc. is participating in the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), National Safety Stand Down to Prevent Falls In Construction week, May 8-12th, 2017. The purpose of the National Fall Prevention Stand-Down is to raise awareness of preventing fall hazards in construction.
Roeslein’s Drive for Safety through Employee CPR & First Aid Certification
For the last five years, Roeslein & Associates has been training and certifying its employees in CPR and First Aid to assist in its push for safety awareness at all of locations. “We saw a use for the program not only at our manufacturing facilities but in our office spaces; you never know when something can happen and this program allows us to be prepared for anything, anytime, anywhere,” said Roeslein’s Safety Manager Ryan Kirkpatrick.
One Million Hours Without a Lost Time Incident
Roeslein Modular Fabrication (RMF), located in Red Bud, IL achieved 1.1 million man hours without a lost-time incident (LTI). Reaching this many logged hours, for any company, is a huge accomplishment. Roeslein recognizes it as a testament to their dedication, acknowledging that this is truly an accomplishment when considering the RMF facility operates on two shifts a day, five days a week, with an average of 160 workers on the work floor at one time.
Roeslein Gives Back to Local High School
Roeslein & Associates, Inc. is known for their engineering, fabrication, and construction endeavors; but now the company wants to be known for more than that. Giving back to the local community is a goal of the company’s for the 2016 year. Most recently, Roeslein’s Modular Fabrication Facility (RMF), located in Red Bud, Illinois, has volunteered to help Red Bud High School.