by Roeslein Roeslein

As a premier turnkey solution provider for over 32 years, Roeslein & Associates was honored and excited to reconnect with customers, friends, and canmaking colleagues at LatamCan 2022 in São Paulo, Brazil.  

Roeslein opened the doors to its newest facility, Roeslein Brazil, before the LatamCan tradeshow. On May 11th, Roeslein Brazil celebrated by hosting an open house event. LatamCan attendees were invited to join the Roeslein team for lunch, refreshments, and a facility tour featuring top-of-the-line equipment, capabilities, and modularization and unitization systems.

Roeslein Brazil is uniquely situated to provide for its regional customers and support the ongoing sustainability and rapid industry growth that Brazil continues to see. “I’m really proud of the team that we’ve brought on board,” said Bob Hayes, Operations Manager of Roeslein Brazil. “We really lucked out with the management staff here at Roeslein Brazil. Their performance and commitment are truly commendable.” 

Having completed projects such as line expansions, can conversions, and speed-ups in the region’s countries, Roeslein & Associates has a long history in South America. This location allows the company to better serve its established customers. Roeslein Brazil currently offers engineering, project management, manufacturing, construction, and operational services. 

Roeslein & Associates was founded in 1990 and is a turnkey solution provider with over 30 years of industry-leading experience, starting in the canmaking sector and expanding its footprint through the oil & gas and renewable energy markets. With over 650 million in annual revenue, Roeslein is regionally situated to provide a prefabricated and preassembled project approach for any industry. Its 1300+ employees are spread across North America, Europe, and Asia. To find out more, please visit