by Adam Voight Adam Voight

Throughout the month of June, Roeslein & Associates took the time to honor National Safety Month. Safety is the top priority of all Roeslein employees and partners, and they are taking the extra steps to give it the attention it deserves.

Ryan Kirkpatrick, Environmental Health and Safety Director, expressed Roeslein’s importance of safety by stating, “We continue to be a responsible company when it comes to Environmental Health and Safety. For 6 consecutive years we have seen incident rates fall and safe culture improve. Companies like Roeslein are not waiting on new regulations or the next major incident to develop the safety process and procedures to ensure compliance. We are prioritizing safety across the company, centralizing safety functions, adding training, having a continual pursuit to improve and drive change, sending constant reminders about zero harm, and recruiting to retain qualified personnel. I look forward to our continued success and next chapter in EHS.”

Their commitment to safety is showcased by the actions of their employees. This year, Roeslein Modular Fabrication located in Red Bud, IL has well surpassed their previous safety milestone set in 2012. They have successfully gone 1500 days without a lost time injury.